"Proclaiming God's Eternal Plan for Israel"


Ammunition Hill - Jerusalem and the Six-Day War

Another Song for Israel board member and myself (Deby) visited Ammunition Hill in Jerusalem in July 2017. There was a movie that explained its history and then we visited the site.

During the British Mandate (1917-1948), the British built the Police Academy in northern Jerusalem. The ammunition stored on the nearby hill provided the name: Ammunition Hill.

During the War of Independence (1947-1948), the Jordanians captured parts of northern Jerusalem, including Ammunition Hill. As a result of the War of Independence (and continuing until the Six-Day War in 1967), Jerusalem remained divided between two countries - Israel and Jordan. Running between both sections of the divided city, there was a line of demarcation along which barbed wire was strung; mines were concealed and military posts were constructed. The Old City remained in Jordanian hands. 

The Six-Day War broke out on June 5, 1967. Israel's political attempts to prevent this war with the Jordanians had failed and Jordan's King Hussein instructed his army to open fire along the line of demarcation. A bloody battle was waged on Ammunition Hill, resulting in the Old City's capture by Israeli soldiers. Paratroop Brigade Commander Mota Gur reported: "The Temple Mount is in our hands - The Divided City has been reunited.”

In 1975, at the initiative of the grieving families and comrades-in-arms of the fallen soldiers, a memorial site and museum were dedicated on Ammunition Hill, and 182 olive trees were planted - equal to the number of those who had fallen in the battles for Jerusalem during the Six-Day War. 

God performed many miracles during the Six-Day War and many are documented in the book, The Lion's Gate by Steven Pressfield (available on Amazonsmiles.com - add Song For Israel as your favorite charity). 

Each year the national Jerusalem Day ceremony is held at Ammunition Hill.