"Proclaiming God's Eternal Plan for Israel"


Join us for our Chanukah Party - Friday, December 8th, 7 PM in Yorba Linda, CA

Our Song For Israel Chanukah Party will be held on December 8th, at 7 pm, in Yorba Linda, CA. Registration will be required, so please register below. Once you register, you will receive a confirmation with the address. There is no charge for this event, but we usually fill the room and need to know if you will be there.

Never been to a Chanukah party before? No worries. Our guest speaker, Cris Azimioara, will explain the history of Chanukah, which occurred between the Old Testament and the New Testament and is referred to in John 10. See an amazing Menorah display—bring yours if you have one.

Enjoy the Chanukah traditional sufganiyot (like a jelly-filled doughnut) and other treats; play the dreidel game (instructions will be provided); and have an opportunity to participate in a raffle with awesome prizes including gift cards from restaurants and grocery stores.

For more information and registration, click here.
