"Proclaiming God's Eternal Plan for Israel"


Prime Minister Netanyahu Fails to Form Coalition so Benny Gantz Gets a Chance

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Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu failed once again to form a coalition after the most recent elections in Israel. Netanyahu stated: “Since I received the mandate, I have worked incessantly both in public and behind the scenes to establish a broad, national unity government. This is what the people want. This is also what Israel needs in the face of security challenges that are growing by the day, by the hour.”

 “I made every effort to bring Benny Gantz to the negotiating table. Every effort to establish a broad national unity government, every effort to prevent another election,” he said. “Unfortunately, time after time, he declined. He simply refused.”  

President Reuven Rivlin will likely mandate that Benny Gantz of the Blue and White party establish a unity government. He will have 28 days to build the government and have a majority in the Knesset. Benny Gantz says he intends to build a “liberal unity government.” 

If Benny Gantz is unable to form this coalition, a third election will take place. 

Every person is to be in subjection to the governing authorities. For there is no authority except from God, and those which exist are established by God. Romans 13:1

