"Proclaiming God's Eternal Plan for Israel"



In this season of gratitude, today is the day to open our hearts and give to those who are less fortunate than we are. You can help us give the priceless gift of life and safety by making a donation towards a protective bomb shelter to help save the lives of children in Israel. Our partner, Operation Lifeshield, (in association with the International Christian Embassy Jerusalem) is continuously flooded with urgent requests for shelters at schools that have no safe place to protect Israeli children from Hamas and Hezbollah rocket attacks.

Song For Israel is asking for donations to complete the bomb shelter project currently in progress. We would like to finish the project this week! $17,750 has been donated so far toward our 9th shelter, which costs $28,600. We need $11,000 more!

Most children have UNDER 30 SECONDS of warning to seek shelter from incoming terrorist rockets, and nowhere to run. We want to change that. Children should feel safe when they go to school!

To donate, please click here. You may also donate to support Song For Israel. Please designate your gift. Thank you from the bottom of our hearts! To learn about the shelters we have donated in the past, please click here.

debyGivingTuesday, #GivingTuesday