"Proclaiming God's Eternal Plan for Israel"


The Six-Day War Ended on June 10, 1956 Celebrated today as Jerusalem Day

On May 29, Jews around the world gather together in spirit to celebrate Jerusalem Day (in Hebrew: Yom Yerushalayim).

Jewish people were forced to leave the land they loved in 70 AD and for over 2,000 years they prayed and longed to return to Jerusalem.  The Holy City was divided between Israel and Jordan after Israel proclaimed its independence in 1948 but the Arab nations, not accepting this division, attacked Israel and Jordan assumed control of the Old City where the first and second Hebrew Temples once stood.

However, fifty five years ago, Israel reunified its most cherished city, Jerusalem. In the Six-Day War of 1967, 182 Israeli Defense Force (IDF) soldiers sacrificed their lives in the bloody battle over that city. Jerusalem was, once again, under Jewish sovereignty for the first time in 2,000 years! They continue to protect and defend Jerusalem today. Please pray for the safety of all soldiers in Israel.

Jews around the world chant, "next year in Jerusalem."